Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Week 1, Thing 2: "Habits of Lifelong Learners"

** I enjoyed learning about the "7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Learners."**

The habits that I find easiest are:

Habit 2: "Accept Responsibility for Your Own Learning"
* I absolutely love to learn new things and I make it a habit to try to learn something new everyday. My favorite methods of learning include: ASKING QUESTIONS, reading, taking classes, discussions with friends and co-workers, and watching library science videos (I just watched the DVD Putting Customers First and I just loved it).

Habit 5: "Create Your Own Learning Toolbox:
* Some of the greatest components of my learning toolbox include: co-workers at WPL, friends from graduate school, library science books and videos, the Library Literature and Information Science Full Text database, public libraries, library websites, and the Internet.

Habit 7 1/2: "Play!"
* Most people that know me (especially Katie-J) know that I am very in touch with this Habit! I have always played and I will always play.

The Habits I find the most challenging include:

Habit 3: "View Problems as Challenges"
* I like the idea of thinking of a problem as a "learning opportunity." Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in a problem that I am unable to view it as such. This is an area that I really want to work on. It is important that we build on our strenghts and address our weaknesses/problems. There really is so much we can learn from our problems.

Habit 4: "Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner"
* Confidence is also an area that I find the most difficult. However, I am learning a great deal about the importance of it as I am currently involved in the interview process.

That's all for now!

Week 1, Thing 1: About 23 Things

I am really excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the role of Web 2.0 in libraries. In library school, I learned a great deal about database and Internet searching, Microsoft Office applications, and other aspects of technology. However, we did not focus heavily on Web 2.0, so I am expecting this to be the most amazing learning experience.

I agree with Kelly... setting up a Blog was much easier than I expected.