Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 3, Thing 6: Flickr Mash-Ups and Third Party Sites!

HOW COOL! Before this exercise, I had NO idea that there were Librarian Trading Cards! What better?

Two of my favorite mash-ups are: Mosaics and Cubes. I like them because they are visually appealing, unique, and would make super cool presents. It pays to be unique!

For a graduation/end of internship present, my boss (Mindy) made me a special mash-up present. She found photographs of my co-workers and bosses, shrunk them, put them on two round sheets of paper, and inserted them into the most amazing Wicomico Public Library snowglobe! How cool! I am not sure if this truly counts as a mash-up, but it was a totally amazing use of photos!

This is off topic, but Wikipedia has been brought up several times in the past few exercises. I know it is a "controversial" site - as anyone can post to it - but I have ALWAYS found it to be a super source of information! Most of what I have found (maybe all) has proven to be true!

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